5513 Payroll Clerks

ANZSCO Unit Group Code: 
ANZSCO Unit Group Name: 
Payroll Clerks
ANZSCO Unit Group Description: 


PAYROLL CLERKS prepare payrolls and related records for employee salaries and statutory record-keeping purposes.
Indicative Skill Level:
Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with the qualifications and experience outlined below.
In Australia:
AQF Certificate II or III (ANZSCO Skill Level 4)

In New Zealand:
NZ Register Level 2 or 3 qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 4)

At least one year of relevant experience may substitute for the formal qualifications listed above. In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification.
Tasks Include:

creating files for new employees to record payroll data
maintaining and updating files for existing employees to record information such as employee contact details, leave taken, overtime, promotions, transfers, tax deductions, health insurance payments and superannuation
preparing payroll data from time sheets and other payroll and personnel records
processing payment of wages and salaries
issuing and recording adjustments to employees' pay
interpreting industrial awards
providing information to employees and managers about payroll matters such as tax issues, benefits and deductions
finalising files and arrangements when employees retire, resign or transfer
may be involved in maintaining superannuation and other deduction and contribution records

Avg. weekly earnings - males (May 2012): 
1 295.80
Avg. weekly earnings - females (May 2012): 
1 020.90
Avg. weekly earnings - persons (May 2012): 
1 086.60